Peace in Kurdistan Campaign organises events and meetings as part of its political and solidarity work.  You can find information on our events here, as well as related events held by other organisations from London and across the country.

National Demonstration in London to protest the sieges in Kurdistan: #BreaktheSilence Sunday 6 March
Save the date now! Assemble at the BBC 12 noon. Rally at Trafalgar Square 2pm.

Tuesday February 23rd 7-9pm
Stop Turkey’s War on Kurds – Discussion Panel
with Professor David Graeber, Professor of Anthropology at London School of Economic and one of the founders of the Occupy Wall Street movement , Melanie Gingell, Barrister, Campaign Coordinator Peace in Kurdistan, Kamran Matin: A senior lecturer in International Relations at Sussex University and the author of ‘Recasting Iranian Modernity: International Relations and Social Change’. Chaired by Elif Sarican, a Kurdish activist and a coordinator of the Kurdish Students Union at LSE.
Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, London University. WC1HO

Saturday 27th February 12 noon Marble Arch, London
Stop Trident National Demonstration
Followed by rally at Trafalgar Square after 2pm
Speakers: SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, Caroline Lucas MP, NUT general secretary Christine Blower, Vanessa Redgrave, Mark Serwotka PCS general secretary, Giles Fraser, CND general secretary Kate Hudson, Stop the War convenor Lindsey German, Bruce Kent, NUS vice president Shelly Asquith, Veterans for Peace spokesperson, and others.
